Campus Question: Did you do anything unique this summer?

In Summer 2018, 8,302 students enrolled in classes at Citrus College. Each had different experiences during the season. Students were asked, “What did you do this summer that was different?”


Matthew Ronquillo, 22, English major.

“Rather than staying home all day and playing video games, I got a part time job at a pizza store down the street. It was different working and actually having money.”



Andrew Penarubia, 22, communications major.

“This summer I worked at a kids camp with 120 kids and there were 60 of us, counselors, I believe. We camped for a week and slept in teepees. I also for this summer was focusing on my physical therapy war. The thing was, I had an aneurysm when I was seven years old, which paralyzed my left side.

There’s an electrical stimulation unit that I use to help, kind of like, open my arm and my hand. And also, I swam a lot at home trying to regain strength for my arm too — to increase arm motion and movement.”



Zhuorui Cai, 18, architecture major.

“This summer is the first time I go back to my country because 18 years ago I just stayed in China and never been outside for study. And then also to look for my grandparents, because I had a very sad news this summer because my grandma was dead, so I needed to come back to pray for her.”



Vice President of ASCC Makayla Pedroza, 22, psychology and administration of justice major.

“I took three classes: statistics, administration and justice 101, and a counseling 160 class. It helped me become more disciplined with how I discipline in the sense that I had to schedule my priorities better. Honestly, every single day I had homework to do. I used the tutoring services for statistics, which has helped tremendously. On top of that, I still had student government meetings. And then as well, I got a job as a student ambassador, and during summer we had student ambassador trainings every Friday.”



Beverly Chevalier, 18, undecided major.

“I reflected more on myself, like, for my health. I’m better with my health than other summers. I just basically did a lot more work, you know, and I tried to change my diet for my health, so my body will feel better.”



Jhovanni Tellez, 17, electrical engineering major.

“One, I went camping with random people, you know, and I got robbed. And two, I came to college. It’s pretty cool so far, you know.”


Responses were edited for length.

