“Avengers: Endgame” closes a chapter for Marvel fans

After 11 years, Marvel’s “Avengers: Endgame” not only lives up to the hype but marks the end of an era for a generation that grew up inspired by these superheroes.

Despite the lengthy three-hour run time, the film serves to conclude the stories portrayed by the franchise’s distinguished characters.

The visual effects are up to Marvel’s usual standards, amplifying the actor’s representation of the comic’s most notable heroes. “Endgame” continues the pattern of outdoing earlier films using visuals to showcase surprising new capabilities demonstrated by the Avengers.

While the computer generated effects and action-packed fight scenes are well-crafted, the actors’ performances given to develop and build emotional responses to their characters are what elevate the movie.

The film’s superheroes face an incredible loss at the end of the previous film, “Avengers: Infinity War,” leaving them devastated.

Through this tragedy, directors Anthony and Joe Russo allow the Avengers to appear more human than ever before.  

The heroes react to their situation realistically, each different from one another. For example, Hawkeye and Black Widow contrast in the way they handle their hardships, allowing the audience to truly empathize with their heroes who once seemed larger than life who now face their greatest loss.

For fans of the franchise, many had anticipated what would become of their favorite characters. “Avengers: Endgame” time effectively displays how the film’s plot has affected each of the numerous characters.

This film gives each character a well-rounded story. Highlighting Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow and Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, some characters who have not had major roles in the series are given the opportunity to successfully delve into their roles and showcase another side to the Avengers that fans haven’t seen yet.

“Avengers: Endgame” wraps up over 20 previous films made in the last decade and brings up nostalgia for fans. Usually, similar conclusive films like “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows-Part 2” play up the emotional appeal of bringing back familiar faces and recalling events from earlier films.

“Endgame” cleverly uses familiarity as a plot device to move its story forward. By balancing nostalgia with a consistent flow of new information, audiences can feel sentimental about the past while still being engrossed in the current film.

One of the most common concerns with films like “Avengers: Endgame” is if it is possible to enjoy the movie without watching the prior films.

While moviegoers don’t need to see all 21 previous films to understand “Avengers: Endgame,”  the plot of this film may be difficult to follow those who haven’t seen “Avengers: Infinity War.”

Even if the context of the nostalgic elements of the plot are lost on some audience members, the sentimentality still resonates through a combination of Alan Silvestri’s score and the actor’s performances.

Silvestri’s music illustrates a sense of comfort using iconic themes, such as Captain America’s, to recall the history of these characters. Many fans have grown up with actors like Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, and Chris Hemsworth portraying heroes Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor, respectively, who have worked with Marvel for the past decade. From moments of intense fear and anguish to profound triumph, these feelings are reciprocated by the audience and the heroes on screen through Silvestri’s score.

Wrapping up so many storylines may seem like a daunting task, but the Russo brothers and the enormous cast and crew succeed undoubtedly.

While the runtime may be intimidating, there wasn’t a minute wasted. Every scene is a necessity in an attempt to do right by these beloved characters and the story they’ve told.

Whether someone is a fan or is just trying to understand the hype around the series, “Avengers: Endgame” is a bittersweet end to an era that will leave audiences satisfied.


One thought on ““Avengers: Endgame” closes a chapter for Marvel fans

  1. After reading this review and being a huge fan of the previous movies in this series, I can’t wait to see it!! Great review with real insights into the movie.

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