Campus Question: What are your thoughts on the “no skating” policy?

David Garcia
It is the skater’s responsibility to provide safety for both himself and others around. It shouldn’t be a problem as long as they know how to be careful. Maybe Citrus can make a lane to skate or bike on like how they have in Claremont.


Ruth Huang  
Graphic Design 
I support the no skating policy because it is dangerous and skaters may crash and bump into pedestrians, but other than that I like skating.



Michael Gonzales 
Studio Art   
It is not fair that people can’t use skating as a source of transportation because some classes are really far, and sometimes you only have five minutes in between to get from class to class.



Rafael Ruvalcaba
Electrical Technician

I don’t mind skating, as long as the skaters know what they’re doing so nobody gets hurt. Even if, people that really want to skate will skate either way.





