Professor shreds waves and educates

The syllabus is finalized, the classroom is empty and the list of students enrolled in the course is set– anticipation of a new semester is in full effect.

In her mind, she remembered the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore and the eagerness to experience what the ocean has to offer on a new day.

Surfing and teaching are very similar for Citrus College Spanish professor, Dr. Ana Afzali.

You never know what to expect in either situation, but the challenge from both is exciting Afzali said. 

Afzali has been teaching at Citrus for 22 years. 

Throughout her time as a professor, Afzali pioneered a program called Intermediate Spanish for Heritage speakers, wrote one history book, one textbook and won the Distinguished Faculty Award in 2019. 

Persistence, passion and the desire to step into the unexpected have been tools she has used in not only teaching but also in her recent hobby: surfing.

Three years ago, as she was taking photos, Afzali found inspiration from her son and brother to begin surfing.

“I was sitting behind the lense just looking at them and thinking ‘I would absolutely love to do that,’” Afzali said.

Her passion for surfing grew and soon became an instrumental part of her life and profession.

Though she has many academic successes, Afzali shared her passion for surfing is a big source for her continuous growth and success as a professor.

“I feel like I can connect with students a lot better, because a foreign language can be extremely daunting, like a wave.” 

She connected the unpredictable movement of the waves to teaching.

Afzali said a teacher must be able to adjust in an instant to the needs of a student, similar to adjusting to the movement of the waves.

Afzali uses surfing as a way to stay humble, calm and as a space to center her mind. 

She said when she paddles out into the ocean, she doesn’t know what she is getting into, but she enjoys the challenge.

Surfing brought Afzali many new friends, gave her an avenue to connect with her students on, and gave her a new breath of life. 

The passion she has for surfing is carried out in her everyday life and she uses it as a way to inspire her students.

“Find something you’re really passionate about, that inspires you and just go with it.”
