Rollin’ up could help to wind down from stress

Marijuana, weed, cannabis or pot –all of these words have weaved their way into conversations all around California, most notably since marijuana was legalized at the beginning of 2018.

Arguably, most college students have considered trying marijuana. Some students smoke regularly, occasionally or not at all.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse website stated, “In 2015, more than 11 million young adults ages 18 to 25 used marijuana in the past year.”

Wherever a person falls on the spectrum of  smoking marijuana, it’s important to know that marijuana has many stress-relieving benefits  for college students.

Marijuana can be used in two forms, either as a cannabidiol product or as flower that contains tetrahydrocannabinol. 

Both CBD and THC, which come from marijuana, benefit college students in a number of ways.

CBD can be used to relax muscles, alleviate chronic pain and reduce anxiety without the user feeling high. THC differs from CBD mainly because it makes the user feel high. 

For a college student, stress may feel unavoidable. But, with the use of marijuana, whether being CBD or THC, it can help students feel relaxed and reduce stress. 

A study conducted by Washington State University, on,  found, “one puff of cannabis high in CBD and low in THC was optimal for reducing symptoms of depression, two puffs of any type of cannabis was sufficient to reduce symptoms of anxiety, while 10 or more puffs of cannabis high in CBD and high in THC produced the largest reductions in stress.”

The study also suggested that depending on the user, CBD products are more beneficial than products that contain high amounts of THC. 

Some concerns regarding marijuana involve addiction, memory loss and sometimes Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, which causes cycles of vomiting and nausea if the user is allergic to THC.

Marijuana has been called a gateway drug for many years, but the probability of moving on to other drugs after using marijuana is a subjective choice. Marijuana is unlike many drugs and the choice to experiment with harder drugs depends on the person.

Memory loss is commonly attributed as an effect of marijuana. This is most commonly seen in teenagers, where a decrease in IQ points is notable. If someone starts smoking marijuana as an adult, they are significantly less likely to deal with the effects of memory loss.

The Cedars Sinai website stated Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome is rare, develops overtime and can be a result from daily use of marijuana. 

Each of these effects are the results of using marijuana products that contain THC. Memory loss, CHS and addiction are not effects related to the use of CBD products. 

Overall, the use of cannabis, through CBD or THC, relieves stress.

Although ,the use of marijuana on any college campus should remain prohibited. Despite the benefits the plant has, its use on campuses is unnecessary. 

Why? Many colleges and universities receive federal funding, and it’s only fair that the students within the college continue to follow federal laws. Including not smoking on campus. 

An article on stated, “Any institution that receives federal research or financial aid funding — which nearly every college does — must have policies that are in line with federal drug laws that still considers marijuana illegal.”

All in all marijuana can be a great stress reliever for college students. There are many legal dispensaries where anyone is able to purchase well-grown marijuana or CBD products.

Evidently, marijuana is a natural herb that is safe, legal and has the potency to relax your mind and body.

So roll up a joint, sit back and relax– just don’t do it on campus.
