Social media may play a hand in procrastination

Procrastination in today’s society has become more prevalent due to the growing use of social media by students.   

As said on, as of February, 90% of U.S. citizens between the ages of 18-25 use social media.  This has become a staple of the American lifestyle, but with the growing rate of social media usage, students are checking social media accounts multiple times a day.  These habits have had negative effects on students studying habits.  

These habits have had negative effects on students studying habits. Studies shown by the U.S. National Library of Medicine reveal that two studies conducted in 2016 demonstrate that the internet is frequently used for procrastination among college students; and other research done by psychologist Timothy A Pychyl on  reveals that reductions in overall social media use was associated with decreases in general procrastination. 

“I think social media is a big distraction,” said Citrus student Alle Ayala. “It is a big factor as to why I and so many others procrastinate.”

Photo by Daniela Navarro.

“I am on my phone for about seven hours a day and trying to cut my phone usage.  I definitely do think most of my procrastination does come from social media, there have been times where I have deleted my social media accounts because I know I would get more done without it.” said Citrus student Marissa Bachez. 

Procrastination as a whole is something that a lot of people deal with, and what comes with procrastination are the excuses that follow.   

“I do procrastinate often although I’m not proud I do.  I tend to do it subconsciously without thinking about it till it’s been way too late,”said Communications major Brian Taylor.

It’s common for  students to go through these cycles, whether it be fearing the outcome of a situation, saying “I’ll do it later”, or even just getting distracted by social media, these are all factors that affect a student’s current life.  Procrastination is something that students deal with on an everyday basis, and with social media put into the mix.
