Parking permit refund available soon at Citrus College during COVID-19 pandemic

Developing story. 

Parking permit refunds will be given soon due to the Citrus College moving in-person classes to remote instruction online that started March 13 until June 12 because of the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. 

Citrus College Campus Safety is currently working with iParq, a parking management service for universities and other private lots to process parking permit refunds for the 2020 spring semester, Citrus College said in a tweet on April 8. 

“We are currently working with the vendor regarding refunds,” Campus Safety Supervisor Ben Macias said.

Photography major Garrison Kirby said she would be glad to receive a refund.

“I think it is a great idea for parking passes to be refunded, especially for times like this when students only got to use maybe 10% of what they paid for in terms of how long the permit lasts,” Kirby said.  

Citrus also shared the announcement on the Citrus Mobile app on April 4.

For more information regarding parking pass refunds check the emails sent to students for updated information and refund procedures.
