Chicken King is finally crowned in Chicken Wars Championship

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is the moment you have been waiting for! After six chicken sandwich battles, only Popeyes and Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers remain. At the end of this battle, one warrior will be crowned the Winner Winner Chicken Sandwich Dinner. 

To ensure that the final battle is judged fairly and without questions of personal preference, this battle will be judged not only by myself, The Grand Master of Chicken, but also by my carefully appointed comrades who will be known as The Grand Council of Chicken Masters. The Grand Council of Chicken Masters will consist of three chicken masters, Iggy, Beccy and Courtney, who will each be assigned one flavor point to the sandwich they determine to be deserving of the championship. 

Of course since I am the one and only Grand Master of Chicken, the flavor scores on all five categories will be determined solely by myself.

In the bun category, both sandwiches did well. The sesame seed accented bun of the Cane’s sandwich was delicious. The bun was evenly toasted, flavorful and structurally sound, earning an 8. 

The bun on the Popeyes sandwich was sweet and perfectly encompassed the heaping portion of chicken, however it was not evenly toasted and was slightly stale, earning a 7.5 for its missed potential. 

The sauces on both sandwiches shined just as bright as in previous battles. The Cane’s sauce was a star element on a well-rounded sandwich. With chicken as good as Cane’s, the sauce better be just as delicious, and it absolutely was. The Cane’s sauce earns a 9.5. 

The Popeyes mayonnaise proved again why it can hang with any sauce in the competition. The mayo is thick and flavorful and doesn’t get lost competing with the Popeyes pickles or chicken. The Popeyes sauce earns an 8.8.

The toppings category was the only place where there was no competition. The Cane’s topping of just lettuce was more disappointing than it was in the semifinals as it was an even smaller piece of lettuce than before.

The poor lettuce quality prompted Chicken Master Iggy to say that “the lettuce isn’t even a necessary component, it just gets lost.”

Chicken Master Beccy echoed Iggy’s statement: “You can’t even taste the lettuce.”

The council and I agreed that the lettuce was only on the sandwich for aesthetic purposes, earning a sad 4.

However, the same could not be said for the Popeyes pickles, which took the toppings category by storm. The Popeyes pickles were crispy and remarkably fresh tasting for fast food pickles. 

Chicken Master Iggy spoke to this:“I’m not much of pickles fan but the pickles in the Popeyes one is pretty good; it adds to the flavor.” 

The Popeyes pickles earn an exceptional 9. 

The breading category was basically too close to call as both sandwiches did exceptionally well. After a heated debate in the council, the Cane’s sandwich was determined to have the better breading texturally but the Popeyes breading was more flavorful while still being competitively crispy. The council and I both determined that both breadings deserved a perfect 10. 

The chicken category faced the same issue. The chicken on the Cane’s sandwich was extraordinarily tender, juicy and flavorful. The Popeyes chicken was equally juicy but was less tender and more flavorful. The council and I again determined that this category had to be a draw, with perfect 10 going to both competitors. 

With all categories out of the way, each member of the council was given a platform to vote for their favorite sandwich. 

For Chicken Master Iggy, it came down to the breading. “In my opinion, the breading on the Popeyes one tops the Cane’s one.” Iggy’s vote brings one additional point to Popeyes 

For Chicken Master Beccy, it was the toppings, as for her “the pickles add a lot into it,” giving another flavor point to Popeyes. 

For Chicken Master Courtney, it was the overall flavor. “The Cane’s has a good ratio but the Popeyes one just has more flavor.” This brought a third additional point to Popeyes. 

The Popeyes chicken sandwich also earns a point for its price tag at $3.99, being far cheaper than Cane’s price of $5.98. 

This brings the overall final flavor scores to a 41.5 for Raising Cane’s and a record setting championship winning score of 49.3 for Popeyes. This monumental score crowns Popeyes as the chicken sandwich champion eternally. Popeyes will reign until a new hope rises and in a galaxy far far away, a Frankenstein of a sandwich seeks to challenge the might of Popeyes and the state of Louisiana. 

Be on the lookout for the new hope Frankenstein sandwich on the Clarion website to see if anything can top the Popeyes Chicken Sandwich.
