Opinion: There is no more light on the issue of abortion

Are we all participating in an all around rat race when being confronted to make our personal opinions into a reality that shapes the lives of half the population when they seek to find a solution to a problem we don’t care to improve upon knowing? I’m talking about abortion legislation and civil rights. This country has only shed speeches out to the general public that include a minute amount of facts and stories, perpetually. We are not uncovering the art of holistics. 

Since when has the news had dialogue that pregnant women can identify with? It has been a 50 year public dispute since Roe v. Wade that derives its arguments from a philosophical well. Society has focused on philosophy to understand everything imaginable for many millennia. It is time to focus on gaining solid knowledge to solve our modern lives.

We as a society have been waging a hate crime, a public one, that offsets all to some. All has been in a conundrum of political proof. People strive to enhance social-status control atop a selfish regime when fingers point in the direction of fear and stern unity. No one has said anything nice to the other side. 

Yet the issue of abortion in any case is so far out of hand that the public is divided into many factions of opinions.That plainly is not acceptance. The states to be on the forefront of the free world and make a strong acceptable presence need abortion solutions to do as the Constitution allows, so no one is left out and everyone is satisfied. Somehow, the Amendments should be sufficient, as they are agreed to be eternally of the people. 

If those incharge agree on the value and magnitude of a life, which is difficult to establish, we should be able to come to an agreement. Someone must first crack the code: When does life begin? 

There are many theories out there. Some strictly say the issue of life and death of a fetus must remain as an antiquated bond with the carrying mother: Till death or birth of the mother and child, no unnatural separation.

Some say the issue will remain stagnant since the outcome of either side is a toll on the quality of life. There are contending answers to the issue that suggest there are downsides to any negatively pressured mother who wishes to terminate the pregnancy, either way she chooses has a downfall. Namely, if the expecting chooses to abort, living with the truth and lies involved in the abortion in a negative climate of scrutiny can happen.  

The science and regulation is currently blind and behind on the abortion subject. Some pro-lifers circumvent the transportation of appropriate abortion medicines. 

Where there are exceptions to administer abortion in some states, there are some doctors who do not require the expecting to divulge her reasons for the abortion. 

There are studies that point out that the issue is all around similar to “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell.” Where there is silence of the terminating mothers, in a time of need for solutions, there could be a permanent shutdown of transparency that never surfaces due to an array of negative emotions and persecution. I call it, “Close Call, Close All.” In other words, the woman in question withholds her own interest and outreach by remaining quiet on the subject after daring to have the abortion under negative circumstances. 

I think we can all take note of the old question to help: Do men and women need each other? In short, yes. Whatever the circumstance, nature intends for communication and cooperation to secure the future using the mind with nature to transcend.
