Campus Question: What is your favorite class and why?

Zicong Liu
Computer Science

My favorite classes at Citrus College are the math classes because I love math and computer science is based on math so I just like it. I love all of them. I am taking the last math in Citrus, differential equations. I like it but I’m not very good at it but I’m working on it.


An Nguyen
History Major

Well I’d say my favorite class was the history of the Vietnam War. Yes, it’s a late night class, but a lot of interesting stuff happens in that class as well, it’s really interactive and the teacher Mr. Nelson is nice and approachable. He has a sense of humor as well, and we go into a lot of discussions often. He actually makes time to go on stuff like field trips, one time we went to a field trip in Westminster on a South Vietnamese army museum basically. Mr. Nelson is really passionate about the class and tries to get another narrative forward compared to the mainstream narrative. He really helps us get another insight into the Vietnam War that hasn’t been taught before.


Noah Fedele

I believe my favorite class would be the interpersonal relationship class, that being a speech 100 class. My teacher was Nichole Ary, she is a great teacher she will work with you. If it is needed, she will teach you 1-on-1 or in office hours and she’ll make sure that you understand the information that is given to you throughout the entire class period and the entire semester. I had a great experience with it and I think everyone else should as well.


Jonathan Myers
Childhood Development

My favorite class I have taken at Citrus was Early Childhood development. My reason why is because I have a passion for working with children. 
