Library opens new lactation station

Hayden Memorial Library kicks the year off by installing a lactation station at LI-128.

The station is located in a private and secure room that has the ability to be locked from the inside. The room also contains a first aid kit and water bottles, in case of emergency.

“Any time the library is open, the lactation station is available,” Librarian Sarah Bosler said.

Everybody can access the lactation station by asking the checkout desk, any librarian will lead the way to the room.

Prior the installment of the lactation station, the only places on campus available for students to breastfeed was in the health center by sharing the area with medical appointments and the CalWORKS offices for students in the program.

The California Assembly Bill 2785 states that every community college should have reasonable accommodation for breastfeeding students no later than Jan. 1, 2020.   

“Maryann Tolano-Leveque called me and said there has been legislative pass and that had to be lactation station provided for breastfeeding or pumping mothers and that they were trying to make them across campus,” Lari Kirby, library services supervisor said.
