A letter from Jennifer Munguia, ASCC President

Welcome to the Fall 2020 semester Owls! I am excited to welcome students and staff and bring support as we either begin, continue or are near the end of our journey here at Citrus College.

My name is Jennifer Munguia and I am your ASCC President. Our student government is here to be the voice of the students and address any concerns you may have. These dedicated group of student leaders remain committed to innovative practices, academic excellence, and provide any support to the best of our abilities.

The beginning of a new semester can be an exciting time to either continue or begin your educational journey. However, we must acknowledge that the current situation in our nation also makes the beginning of a semester a feeling of uneasiness. We recognize that for many students this is a difficult time, but our staff and student leaders are here to help in any way possible.

Here at Citrus, we have many helpful resources provided online such as our STEM Center which allows drop-in tutoring online. We also have many helpful programs for students such as EOP&S, Promise, CalWORKS and many more. Our Help Desk is available to reach online via phone number or filling out a smart sheet on my.citruscollege.edu.

New to Citrus College? Looking for more ways to get involved virtually this semester? Be sure to check out our Student Life Instagram page @citrusstudentlife. Create your experience here a memorable one even if it is online.

To all of our student and staff communities, I look forward to what each and every one of you has to accomplish. Let’s make this semester a memorable one.

– Jennifer Munguia
