ASCC president letter to the Clarion

My name is Sofia Guzman, and I am your ASCC (Associated Students of Citrus College) President for this upcoming school year. I am beyond thrilled to work with my fellow Executive Board members to make the experiences of the Citrus College community exciting and welcoming. I will do my best as ASCC President to be the voice for our student body.

Along with the Student Senator and Student Trustee, our Executive Board this year is eager to continue to nurture the positive environment here at Citrus College. As students, we want to investigate issues that our fellow students have in order to find solutions to make their experience here as great as can be.

We are here to be your voice, so do not hesitate to reach out to your student leaders!

One of my biggest goals this year is increasing student participation on and off campus. As a student, I understand how busy the day-to-day school schedule can be and participating in extra events is not always feasible. I also understand how easy it can be to miss announcements about important events because they get lost in our emails or we simply forget about them.

This year, I want to fix the lack of participation with a Canvas course that is accessible to every student on campus. Like your regular Canvas courses, you receive announcements and have access to modules, and a campus-wide course would be the same format. If you have the Canvas app on your mobile device, you can get announcements about all events and important news on campus right at the tip of your fingers. As students get more comfortable coming back to campus, we hope to host fun and sociable events that will allow you to make friends and memories!

I have been involved in leadership every year since the fourth grade and being a leader has given me a sense of purpose. I have learned important life skills, met new people, and have grown as a person throughout my leadership experiences, and I am excited to continue gaining more from this new leadership position this year.

I am stepping out of my comfort zone being in a role this significant, but I know that I will try my hardest to be the best ASCC President the students need. I look forward to connecting more with this great community of people, and I hope that all who read this are as enthusiastic about this upcoming year as I am.

Beyond student leadership, I have a few favorite interests. I love to read above all else, especially anything popular at Barnes and Noble. It is one of my life goals to have an extensive library in my home when I am older, so any book that I read remains mine until I can one day upgrade a small bookshelf to a room full of shelves and books. I also love to relax at the beach and swim in the waves. Nothing is more relaxing than sunbathing on the sand after the waves have tired me out, and it is a bonus if I have a book with me. My final favorite is Harry Styles. His music makes me want to get up and dance, and I look forward to his concerts this fall where I can listen and dance to all my favorite songs in a room full of fans who share the same love of his music.

I would like to remind students that they are here to grow and find themselves. Do not be afraid to change your major, take an extra class, study in the library, or make a new friend. Take advantage of all the wonderful opportunities and resources Citrus College has to offer, because you truly will not find this kind of assistance and care anywhere else. Try your hardest in your classes, even if it does not equate to perfection. Mistakes are bound to happen while we are learning, so do not fear them.

Amidst all the studying and hard work, always remember to take time to yourself. Read your favorite book, sit outside under the sun, put on a face mask, or watch your favorite movie. Balancing work and life will make your year that much better. I am confident we will all have a successful school year. Good luck everyone!
